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Welcome to your Life 2.0 Blog

Nov 6, 20231 min read
This holiday season, give yourself a gift of Life 2.0!
The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness, but it can also bring its fair share of stress and challenges. This...
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DeeAnn Whetstone
May 23, 20232 min read
Life 2.0 Coaching with DeeAnn--is it for you?
If you are 100% happy with the life you are living and feel that you have no room for improvement, then Life 2.0 Coaching is NOT for you....
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DeeAnn Whetstone
Mar 20, 20231 min read
Is it time for Life 2.0?
Time is a precious commodity that we often take for granted. We all have a limited amount of time on this earth, and it is up to us to...
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Oct 26, 20222 min read
What is the best Super Power? Hands down--RESILIENCE!
Have you ever seen those wobbly, roly, poly baby toys that you can never knock over or keep down. They always pop up when you release...
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Sep 9, 20223 min read
"Conquer like Sir Edmond Hillary...utter your first ROAR!"
Sir Edmund Hillary and his Sherpa guide, Tensing Norgay, became the first people known to have made it to the summit of Mt. Everest--the...
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DeeAnn Whetstone
Jun 30, 20222 min read
What are your limiting beliefs?
We all have them. Those core beliefs that keep us “stuck.” They keep us from achieving what we want in life—more money, less weight,...
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DeeAnn Whetstone
May 27, 20222 min read
What do you want to do?
I don’t mean right this minute, like what do you want to eat. Or, do you want to watch a movie or take a nap! I mean, what do you want to...
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DeeAnn Whetstone
May 4, 20222 min read
Do you have a personal growth plan?
Do you have a plan for your personal growth? If you are like most people, the answer is “No.” James Allen wrote in As A Man Thinketh:...
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DeeAnn Whetstone
Apr 20, 20222 min read
Can life coaching really make a difference in MY life?
There is power in life coaching. It changed my life and it can change yours, too. It is what I found to help me when I felt lost.
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DeeAnn Whetstone
Mar 30, 20223 min read
Potential - Missed Opportunities - and Braces???
Potential—the sound of it brings images of opportunities, success, fulfillment, even hope! It opens up possibilities. When I think about...
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DeeAnn Whetstone
Mar 11, 20222 min read
Why Life Coaching?
About 15 years ago, as my youngest children were leaving home, I realized that I had arrived! I had achieved the goals I had up to that...
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